Storage ideas to help you make better use of your self-storage units.
Putting your items in a self-storage unit when you're moving or remodeling your house can be a great way to put everything in one place and make sure that it's all protected. There are plenty of storage ideas to consider, as well. You don't want to just throw everything in your truck and head to the closest storage facility, because that could damage your items and put them at risk. It could also mean that you don't get things organized well, making it very hard to find them later. Learning how to pack and store items properly is vital when you want to keep your items safe.

1 Load Your Unit According To Need

Packing up and moving your things into a storage unit can be stressful, and in the rush to get it done things can get misplaced. By carefully labeling all of your boxes and other containers, and by scheduling more time to make the move, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble - and digging - later. When you can find everything you need quickly and easily, you have a lot less to worry about and won't end up being without items that are important to you. It may not be fun to spend time labeling boxes and organizing them in the right order, but it's also not fun to unload half of a storage unit because you can't find something you need.
Learn More2 Load Your Unit Properly To Avoid Theft And Hazards

It can be tempting to just put things into your self-storage unit and be done with it, but some careful planning has the potential to save you a lot of heartache. There are few things worse than that sinking feeling you get when you pull up to the unit where your things are stored and see that the lock or door has been tampered with. You don't know what you're going to find, or if there's anything left inside the unit. It can happen even in storage facilities with good security, but you can help be a part of protecting your things by keeping any valuables either out of the unit or hidden in the back.
Learn More3 Consider The Facility’s Safety Features

The best storage units are those you can feel safe with, and that you're comfortable leaving your items in. If you don't feel comfortable putting your items in a particular unit or facility, look for one that seems better to you. It's not necessary to feel like your items are stored at Fort Knox, but you do want to feel like you can leave things there and those things will still be there when you get back. You also want to be able to get into the facility during all reasonable hours, but make sure it's not a facility where the gates are just open to anyone all day. Letting everyone drive in there is just asking for trouble. If the facility doesn't have a code lock or some other kind of locking gate, at least for after-hours visits, it may not be for you.
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4 Read Your Self Storage Agreement

It's understandable that you don't want to stand at the counter and read a big agreement when the storage facility employee is waiting for you to just sign it and move on, but it's important that you take the time to make sure you understand what you're signing. If there are other people waiting, just move out of the way and read the agreement. If there's something in it that you simply can't agree to, you'll need to find another storage unit. Still, many will have very similar agreements and clauses, so think carefully about what's acceptable to you. There's no point driving all over the place to a bunch of different storage facilities if they're all going to be asking the same things of you.If you are moving to a different State, the laws can be different for instance what applies in Miami may not be applicable in Los Angeles.
Learn More5 Put Stuff in Boxes or Storage Containers

Just piling stuff into your self storage unit might be faster, but in the long run it's not going to be much help. You won't be able to find the things you need, and you can really struggle to get to items that aren't clearly marked. Whether you choose to use storage containers or you want to get boxes instead, make sure each and every thing has its place. A lot of people buy boxes that are all the same size, so they can stack things neatly. Others prefer to purchase storage containers with lids that snap on or lock. If you want to save a lot of money, ask grocery and retail stores for free boxes. A lot of them will hold boxes for you to pick up.
Learn More6 Label Everything Before you Store

Keeping things in containers or boxes is a great way to pack everything into your storage unit. It's not just about the storage, though. It's also about knowing what you're storing and being able to find things when you need them. You can do that more easily by labeling everything you put into your unit. Whether you write directly on the box with a marker or use actual labels, you want to be sure you know everything that is in a box. Don't just mark it with a person's name or a room in the house. That still won't give you enough information. Be specific, and you'll always be able to find the things you need.
Learn More7 Clean It Before You Store It

No matter what you're planning on storing, if it's dirty you'll want to clean it up first. Otherwise, you can end up with all kinds of problems in your self-storage unit. Mold and mildew are big problems, but not the only issues. Bugs and even rodents could also be a concern. You may also end up with bad smells and could find that items won't really come clean if they've been left dirty for too long. Your clothing, boxes, storage containers, and any and all kinds of items that go into your storage unit should be cleaned before they are packed away. Wash everything, or at least rinse or wipe it off well, and don't leave anything wet. That dampness is how mold gets started, and you don't want mold, mildew, and that musty smell to take hold in your storage location. A climate controlled unit might be a good idea if you have items that are easily ruined by mold or mildew.
Learn More8 Consider Storage Insurance

While it makes sense that you wouldn't want to pay for more insurance than you need, it's also not completely realistic to just assume that your homeowners' or other type of insurance will cover everything you have in even the best storage unit. The best way to be sure would be to read your insurance policy and/or call your insurance agent, and ask specifically about stored or off-site items. If you're in the middle of moving and/or don't have homeowners' insurance for some reason, you may want to get storage insurance to protect your items when they aren't with you. That's also a consideration if you're renting, as renters' insurance may not cover stored items.
Learn More9 Quantify Your Storage Load

It's so easy to take a look at a storage unit and think that everything you want to put into it will fit, but it's also possible that you're misjudging the amount of space you really have. Rather than take a wild guess and hope it works, you really need to have a better idea of how much space you're going to need. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and get a unit that's going to be a little bit larger than what you think you really require. You'd rather have too much space than not enough, since not having a big enough storage space may mean that you have to spend extra money to rent a second one. With some planning, that kind of problem can be avoided.
Learn More10 Measure Large Items Before Moving

Many people have trouble with moving because they don't take all of their large items into consideration. Instead of actually measuring those items, they just "eyeball" things and judge what will fit. Unfortunately, they often judge wrong, and that means they're sitting at their self storage unit with items that just won't fit into the space they've rented. That's very frustrating, and can also end up costing them money and time that they might not be able to comfortably afford. You don't have to let that happen to you, though, as long as you carefully measure the bigger items that you want to put into your storage space. A lot of things can be stacked up or have other items placed on them, but you still need to know how much room they take up.
Learn More11 Don't Store it if You Don't Need it

It's easy to get caught up in the idea that you have to take everything in your home and put it into the storage unit. If you own it, you must need it, right? Well, not necessarily. Your storage space should be reserved for the things you really need, which may not be the same as all the things you own. While it doesn't make sense to get rid of things you're really going to use, a lot of people have things in their home that aren't actually valuable to them. There may be clothing in your closet that you haven't worn in years, or other items in your house that are there because someone gave them to you or because they've been tucked in the back of the linen cabinet since you moved in. Rather than take all that with you, it may be time to let it go.
Learn More12 Choose The Right Location

If you aren't sure where you want to store your items, take some time to consider what you're looking for. The best storage unit for you will be the one that's clean, safe, fairly priced, and in the right location. Generally, most people would think that the best location would be the one that's closest to them, but that's not always the case. If you choose a storage facility close to the area you're moving from, it's easier to put things in it when you're packing up and vacating your old place. Choosing a location close to the place you're moving to can mean a longer drive at first but an easier time when you move things into your new place. Still, the facility has to be a good one, or a longer drive might be a better choice.
Learn More13 Pick Your Boxes Carefully

The boxes you use can make a big difference when it comes to packing your self storage unit. You have two options for getting boxes: you can buy them, or you can scrounge them for free from retailers and grocery stores. Liquor stores can also be a good source of boxes, because the boxes are often heavy, and they can have dividers. Packing glassware into boxes like that can keep it from breaking and protect it from harm. If you have heavy items like dishes and books, you'll want to make sure they go into boxes that are strong and sturdy, with solid bottoms that won't give way. Lighter items can go into lighter weight boxes that aren't as strongly built.
Learn More14 Get Help For The Heavy Stuff

Even if you're strong and healthy, you still need to get help moving the heavy items to your storage unit. Big dressers and other items can weigh hundreds of pounds, and you don't want to get injured or damage anything trying to get them moved. You can either hire someone to do the moving for you, or enlist the help of friends or hired hands to get the job done. No matter what option you choose, make sure you're not asking too much of people who may not be able to physically do the job, such as children, women, or elderly or infirm relatives or friends. They may want to help you out, but you need people who can do the job safely and not be at high risk of harm.
Learn More15 Save Money on Packing Materials

Packing materials cost money. All that paper and bubble wrap and those little Styrofoam peanuts can get expensive. Fortunately, there are ways you can save on packing materials, so you don't have to spend so much money to get things packed up and moved into your self-storage unit. Saving newspaper, sale ads, plastic grocery bags, and any paper or packaging that comes from things you buy is a good idea when you know you have a move coming up. The more of those kinds of things you save, the better off you'll be when the actual packing gets started. Not having to buy a lot of packing materials can mean big savings, and that money can be better spent on something else.
Learn More16 Always Ask About Discounts

Want to save money on the best storage unit for your needs? Ask! If you don't ask about sales or discounts, you'll never know if you could have gotten something for less. There might not be a discount available for you, or for the unit you're interested in, but there's certainly no reason to avoid asking the question. The worst that happens is that you're told no, and then you can expect to pay the full price. Often, though, asking about a discount will remind the storage facility employee that there are discounts available, and get their help in securing the one that's going to save you the most money. That could even mean a bigger or better unit for the same price or less than what you were expecting to pay for a smaller one.
Learn More17 Protect Clothing

Clothing is something everyone has, and most people have more of it than they really wear or need. Still, you may not be ready to get rid of some of your clothing, so you'll want to put it in your storage unit. It's very important to keep that clothing from getting damaged. Otherwise, there's no point in storing it or keeping it at all. Some of the clothing you have can probably be used as packing materials, but the nicer, newer pieces of clothing will need to be more protected in order to make sure they don't get damaged while in the storage facility. One of the ways you can protect your clothing is with wardrobe boxes. These are specifically for clothing, and they can keep your items from getting damaged or dirtied while they're being moved and stored.
Learn More18 Proper Way to Protect Silver

Protecting silver needs to be done if you're going to have it in your storage unit for any period of time. Fortunately, it's not that difficult to protect it properly. How you pack your silver will depend on whether you're concerned about it tarnishing, or whether you just want to make sure it doesn't actually get damaged. Wrapping it up carefully and storing it away generally works to keep it from getting dented, bent, or otherwise damaged. If you don't want it to tarnish, you'll need to take extra steps to make sure it doesn't get exposure to the heat and humidity that can cause it problems. A good silver polish can also be important, as you can coat your silver lightly to help keep it safe.
Learn More19 Moving? Prepare Accordingly

Moving is generally pretty stressful, but there are some ways to make it easier. One of those ways is to have the best storage unit for your needs. If you have the right storage facility, you can move out of one place and into another without the need to do everything in the same day. There might be reasons why you don't want all of your stuff put right into your new place. For example, you may want to paint, remodel the kitchen, or put new carpet in the bedrooms. You may also be moving out of a house you're selling, and you need to stay in a hotel for a few nights before closing on the house you're buying. No matter what your circumstances, having the right storage options can help your move be less difficult.
Learn More20 Remember to...

Remember to make a list, and check it twice. One of the main problems a lot of people encounter when they're putting things into a storage unit is that they forget how much they have or everything they need to do. They may also forget to make sure they pack things properly, or to address how they're going to move the larger items from their home to the storage facility and then to another home later on. Because it can be difficult to remember everything, making a list is a good place to get started. That list can allow you to focus on one thing at a time, making moving preparation an easier thing to handle. Overall, it's not always easy to get through a move, so doing things to make it easier and better for you is important.
Learn More21 Important Document Preparation

Among the things you might keep in storage units are important documents. Especially if you're moving from one place to another, all of your important papers will have to be stored somewhere you can feel comfortable with. Even if you're very happy with your storage facility, though, you could end up having a problem with your important documents if they aren't protected properly. Just putting them in a box or a bag might not be enough, since your unit could be exposed to temperature and humidity extremes. With that in mind, you may want to consider a plastic container that seals well, to reduce the risk of your papers yellowing or becoming damp and musty, depending on the climate you're in.
Learn More22 Inquire About Pest Control

One of the things you really don't want to have to deal with in your storage unit is pests. From rodents to insects, nearly anything alive that gets into your unit could cause a big problem for you and your items. Fortunately, most of the good storage facilities are careful about pest control, because they know they could lose a lot of business if they don't handle things the right way. That's good news for you, and can help you avoid a lot of problems that you could otherwise have with your unit. Don't just assume that pest control is being used, though, and that it's appropriate. Be sure you actually ask, so you know what to expect. Sometimes information on controlling pests will be in the contract, but that's not always the case.
Learn More23 Moving Organization

Organizing your plans, people, and items during a move to a storage unit can be difficult and stressful. There are plenty of ways to make it easier, though, so you don't have to feel so stressed and can get more done on your move each day. Having a list is very helpful, so you can see what all needs to be done. Create a master list of everything you can think of that relates to your move, and then group those things into sections, so that items that are important to one another or tied to one another in some way are all together. That will help you get through things more easily, and can keep you from forgetting something very important. You can also use your list to figure out what kinds of moving supplies and help you're going to need.
Learn More24 Box Foundation

The right boxes can make all the difference when it comes to getting all your things packed up and into a self-storage unit. The types of boxes you use, along with the size of them and how many you need, all matter. Building a good foundation with your boxes, and making sure each box has a good foundation, both matter, as well. When your boxes are solidly built and sealed up well on the bottom, they will hold up to a lot more and you can use them for all kinds of things. Smaller boxes should be used for heavy things like books, but can also contain lighter items that are breakable and need packing material around them. Large boxes that are well built can be used for nearly anything, as long as they don't become too heavy.
Learn More25 Proper Tape Usage

Securing boxes is needed, and to do it properly you'll want good quality tape. Don't assume that boxes that are just folded on the bottom will survive the move to your storage unit. Instead, tape up the bottoms solidly. You can use packing tape or duct tape, as both seem to work very well. You want to make sure you tape along the middle seam, and may want to put more than one strip of tape there, depending on the weight of the items going into the box. Proper use of tape isn't about overdoing things, but it's also not about using as little as possible to try to save a few cents. You want to tape things up securely, and that goes for the tops of the boxes, too. Leaving things open just invites mold, bugs, and other problems.
Learn More26 Do Not Store the Following

There are some things that you just don't want to put in your storage unit. That includes anything that can't cope with extreme temperatures, anything that's flammable, and anything that has to be climate controlled. For example, some people store cans of gasoline or other flammable liquids, and that's a completely unacceptable practice for a storage facility. Most facilities have information right in their contracts about the things that can and cannot be stored on location, so make sure you read and understand the requirements. You could be putting all of your things at risk by storing something dangerous, and could also be liable if there is damaged caused by those items.
Learn More27 Choosing a Moving Company

Moving things into a storage unit by yourself or with the help of some friends isn't always the way to go. Instead of doing that, you may want to hire a moving company. That can make things a lot easier for you, and can also make the move faster and more efficient. Still, you want to make sure you're choosing the right company, or you could end up with problems. Don't just pick the first company that people suggest to you, or the first name that comes up in your online search. That can lead you to a company that just won't work for you, and that you wouldn't feel comfortable using for your move. Instead, check around more and find the company that feels best to you. That will help you accomplish your move with a lower level of stress.
Learn More28 Control Smells

Among the problems you might find with even the best storage unit is controlling smells. People are used to the way their own homes and the items in those homes smell, so they often don't think about how their things might smell if they weren't around them for a while. That can surprise people when they open their unit after a while of being away, because they aren't expecting things to smell the way they do. Fortunately, you can control a lot of the smell issues by making sure everything you put in your unit is as clean as possible. That will reduce the chances of anything smelling bad after it sits around for a while. You can use a fragrance spray on soft items like couches, and make sure all clothing and bedding has been washed.
Learn More29 Clothes Give-A-Way

If you're like most people, you probably have more clothes than you normally wear. Some of them are seasonal, or they might be for special occasions. You might even have some clothing that's very sentimental to you, like a wedding dress or the outfit you wore on your first date with your spouse. No matter what, though, there are most likely clothes in your closet and dresser drawers that you don't actually need and that you can get rid of. By having a clothes giveaway, you can reduce how much stuff you're putting into your self-storage unit, so you can get moved more easily and not have to spend as much time or money in the process. Giving away your clothes can also make you feel really light and free.
Learn More30 Save Space

One of the things you really want to do with your self-storage unit is save space. The smaller unit you can rent, the less money you have to pay. Of course, you also want to make sure you choose a unit large enough to really hold everything without damaging items trying to get them in the door or stack them on top of one another. Some items have very specific measurements, like large pieces of furniture, and you will need to be sure you have room for them. To help save space, though, consider things like packing dresser drawers full or leaving your clothing in them. If you empty them, you waste a lot of space that can be used for storage while everything sits in the unit. Make use of all the available space, and you'll need fewer boxes and packing materials, too.
Learn More31 Use Qualified Movers

If you plan to use movers to put everything into your storage unit, make sure the ones you hire are qualified. They should be licensed and insured, and they should have a good reputation. It's not really possible to please everyone all the time, but if they have a lot of negative reviews or seem to be a problematic company, you'll want to choose someone else. Even if you don't have a lot of fragile or expensive items, the things you have are yours, and you don't want them damaged or lost. When you choose a qualified company with good movers, you'll get a good experience that can help you feel better about your move and ease some of your stress. Shopping around for the right movers is a good idea.
Learn More32 Climate Controlled Units Usually = More $

If you're moving items that can't handle temperature or humidity extremes, you may need to rent a climate controlled storage unit. Those units are kept at specific temperatures and levels of humidity, so your items will be stored in basically the same way they would be stored in your home. Traditional storage facilities don't offer that, since there is no heat or air conditioning in the units they rent to people who need a place to put their stuff for a while. Renting a climate controlled unit means spending more money for the same size space, but it can be well worth the extra price. You'll get a unit that will have set levels of humidity and a set temperature range, so you won't have to worry about delicate items being damaged.
Learn More33 Storing Tires

Tires can be safely stored in a self-storage unit, but you'll want to make sure you read the contract first. Some storage facilities don't want you putting anything in the unit that could be assumed to be automotive related, because they don't want people storing engines, oil, gasoline, and other items that could potentially become flammable or dangerous in any way. However, most storage facilities aren't as particular about tires, because they don't contain anything that could explode. Still, you want to store tires properly, and that starts with keeping them clean. Leaving mud, dirt, and other things on your tires can mean that they'll grow mold, create unpleasant smells, and dirty up your storage location. Cleaning them before you store them can help avoid that.
Learn More34 Buy Quality Boxes

When you're moving things to your storage unit, you don't want to skimp on the boxes. A lot of people get boxes from anywhere they can, mostly for free, and that can work out for them. If you want to really do things right, though, you'll need to buy quality boxes that are solid and secure. That can keep you from having a lot of the problems you'll have with cheaper boxes, such as ripping, tearing, and even having the bottom of the box fall out or give way. Not only is that frustrating, but it can also mean a lot of damaged or broken items. You can avoid all of that with the right boxes. Those boxes can be purchased from the storage facility, or from packaging, home improvement, or retail stores.
Learn More35 Proper Bubble Wrapping

Plenty of people love bubble wrap. They like to pop the little bubbles and listen to the crackling noise it makes. They also generally know that bubble wrap is a great way to protect all kinds of valuables and make sure they stay in good condition while they're being moved from one place to another. Overall, bubble wrap can be one of the best and most important packing items you'll want for your storage unit. Any boxes that have breakable things in them need great packing material. You can ensure everything has the best chance of making it safely to its destination when you're careful about how it's packed up. That's not to say that newspaper and other items don't work, but sometimes bubble wrap is clearly the best choice for the job.
Learn More36 Leave Water and Power Connected When Moving Until...

Turning off water and power when you're moving is something you want to be careful with. That's especially true when you're taking everything to a storage unit and then you may want to come back and clean the house before you leave completely. If you don't have power and water, it can be very hard to get things cleaned up properly. Some people also leave water and power on until the home is sold, especially if there are a lot of showings or they live in an area where turning off the power could mean damage to the home from cold weather. You don't want frozen pipes and other kinds of problems occurring when you turn off the utilities, so be sure to follow the advice of your real estate agent.
Learn More37 Choose Appropriate Unit Size

One of the things you really want to pay attention to when you're selecting the best storage unit for your needs is to choose the right unit size. Get one that's too small, and you'll never get all your stuff in there. Get one that's way too big, and you're paying for a lot of space that you're not using. Neither of those things is good, so you want to make sure you get a unit that's going to work for you. It's not always possible to get a unit that's the perfect fit, though, because everyone has a different amount of items that they need put into their storage facility. The best option for most people is to take a careful inventory of the things they need to store, and measure everything that's large so they know how much room it's going to take up.
Learn More38 If Heavy, Go Small

Books, dishes, tools, and all sorts of other things can really become heavy if you pack too many of them in a box together. Rather than take the chance of having the bottom of the box give out or the way to your storage unit, or hurting yourself trying to carry something that's too heavy for you, go with smaller boxes. The heavier the item is, the fewer of those items you should put in a box and the smaller the box you should use. That way, the box doesn't way too much to be safely carried, and you can just use more boxes to pack all of your things up. While it does take a little while longer to handle things that way, it can also help protect you and anyone who's helping you move from getting hurt. It will protect your belongings, too, so you can have peace of mind that they won't get damaged.
Learn More39 Floor Plan - New Home

The floor plan in your new home may be completely different from your old home, but you can make moving in easier if you label all your boxes with what room they go in. That way, you can put everything in each room as you unload it from the truck or car it arrived in. When you put things into your storage unit, group them by the room they belong in. That makes taking them to your new place easier, because they can get unloaded into one room at a time. While that may not seem significant, it will certainly make things easier in the long run, and may also save you quite a bit of time. When you're moving, it's not just about how much the move is costing you. It's also about the amount of time you're spending to do things. You don't want to take up all your time with the move, and may need to be out of your current place on a specific date.
Learn More40 Storing Lawn Equipment

Lawn equipment is one of the items that will commonly be stored when you're moving from one house to another. However, you want to make sure it's in your storage unit safely and correctly, so you don't run the risk of problems with it. Lawn mowers and other types of gasoline powered equipment need to be empty when you store them. Leaving them in a storage facility with gasoline in them can mean that they're a danger. They could have the potential to catch fire or explode, since gasoline vapors are very flammable. You also don't want to leave gas in lawn equipment because it's not good for the mower or other device. Gasoline eventually goes bad, and that could be damaging to your lawn equipment.
Learn More41 Protect Electronics

Your electronics are probably very important to you, and you want to take good care of them. You need to protect them the right way when you put them in a self-storage unit, so they don't end up damaged. TVs, computers, game consoles, DVD players, and other types of electronics are all vulnerable to temperature and humidity fluctuations. You may want to consider keeping them with you or putting them into climate controlled storage, but if you don't have those options you can also try other methods to protect them. Keeping them out of heat and direct sunlight, if possible, can make a difference in whether they come through your move still working properly.
Learn More42 Know Your Self Storage Duration and Save

When you move your things into a self-storage unit, one of the things you should carefully consider is how long those things are going to be there. Just like signing a lease on an apartment, you will need to sign a contract to rent the storage space. If you have a particular length of time you need the space for, and you're sure of that timeline, you might be able to save money. Some storage facilities will offer discounts for people signing contracts for three, six, nine, or even 12 months. If you can agree to a set period of time, ask if there's a discount for that time period. You may be able to adjust your moving timeline just a little bit to save some big money, so it's worth asking.
Learn More43 Monitor Box and Package Weight

The boxes and packages you have to put in your storage unit can really get heavy. That's usually not a problem once they're in the unit, but what about getting them there? You want to be able to do that safely, and you also want to make sure that the movers you've hired understand how much weight they'll be moving from one place to another. Some moving companies judge by both size and weight of items, so you may need to pay some attention to the weight of the packages and boxes you're preparing for the move. That doesn't mean you can't have anything heavy, but just that it's important to be aware of what you're doing so you can help your move go as smoothly as possible.
Learn More44 Book Care

Taking care of your books may be something that's very important to you. Books are a big part of life for a lot of people, and they may have extensive collections that have to go into a storage unit. Not everyone has or wants an e-reader, and there are still many people who love the feel of an actual book in their hand. With that in mind, you want to pack your books up carefully and make sure they are stored the right way. If you don't care for them properly, they may be too damaged to keep when you finally get them back out of storage. That's something you can avoid, though, with a little bit of careful packing. For example, don't just put them in bags. They won't be protected, and it's too easy for them to get wrinkled if they're paperbacks.
Learn More45 Use Pillows to Protect Certain Possessions

A lot of people have extra pillows. They may use them in shams for decoration, have them on the guest bed, or otherwise have them lying around on the couch or even for people to sit on the floor. No matter what you're doing with your extra pillows, one of the things you can do with them is use them to help protect the items that are going into your storage unit. Pillows are excellent padding for TVs and other large electronics, and can also be used to protect mirrors and larger pieces of glass. It's a great way to use up your pillows and also make sure the expensive items coming out of your home and going into storage aren't getting damaged. The better you protect things, the lower the chance of having to replace something.
Learn More46 Loading Truck Order

Taking things to your storage unit, or moving them out of that unit and into your new home, is very important and should be done as efficiently as possible. That can save you both time and money, whether you handle everything yourself or decide to pay someone else to do the work for you. One of the ways you can make things easier is by loading the truck the right way. Everything that needs to go at the front of the storage space should go on the truck first. The things that go at the back of the storage space should be put on the truck last. That way, when you get to the facility, you won't be moving a bunch of things off the truck and out of the way so you can unload other things into the back of the unit. Things will be much easier that way.
Learn More47 Avoid Plastic When Storing for Some Items

A lot of people prefer to buy plastic storage containers instead of boxes, because they feel the containers are more secure. That can be very true, but plastic also gives off chemicals. If you're going to use plastic containers to keep things in your storage unit, you may want to consider using boxes for some of your items, to help protect them from anything that might come off of the plastic. For example, delicate fabrics and heirloom types of items may not do well in plastic containers. They shouldn't be used for wedding dresses or expensive suits, either. Also consider things carefully before you put any food in them, with the exception of canned goods. You don't want boxed or bagged items to end up tasting like plastic.
Learn More48 Thoughtful to Your Movers

The movers you hire are there to help you get the things you own into your self-storage unit. While you should expect them to be professional and get the job done, you also want to be kind to them. They're getting paid, but they're doing a difficult job that can take them a while and be physically and mentally taxing. If you're thoughtful to them, they may go above and beyond to help you. One of the ways you can help them out is to have cold water they can drink, and other options, too. Tea, soda, lemonade, or anything like that will generally be appreciated, as will sports drinks. If you don't have the opportunity to supply those types of things, though, even giving them plenty of water can help them do their jobs more easily.
Learn More49 Movers - In-home Estimates

Getting an in-home estimate from your movers is very important. You want to know exactly how much you're going to be spending if you use a particular company to take everything to your storage unit. Some people prefer to use movers for everything, and others would rather save some money and handle things themselves. You might be surprised how little you can spend and still get great movers, though, if you shop around. That's why getting in-home estimates is so important when you're trying to decide what's going to be best for you. Call around to several moving companies, and ask how much they charge for an in-home estimate. Most companies will do it for free. Others charge, but take that amount off the total if you contract with them.
Learn More50 Use it, if Possible!

One of the things you can do to make your move to a storage unit easier and less stressful is to use up things instead of taking them with you. For example, if you're six months out from your official move date, don't start packing up that extra shampoo or those canned goods. You could probably use those things up before you move, so you won't have to take them along with you. The more you can use, the less you'll have to pack. Not only can that save you time and lower your stress levels, it can also save you money because you won't be paying for as many boxes or as much packing material. If you're paying for movers, they'll have less to move, so you'll pay less for their services.
Learn More51 Final Step - Cover It

Once everything's in your storage unit, cover it up! You might feel like that's unnecessary because things are always indoors. By being in the facility, they're protected from the elements. They aren't going to sustain wind damage, or get rained on. While that's true, there are other issues that have to be considered. Storage facilities are not air tight, and there's always the chance of bugs, dust, and things like that getting inside your unit. If you want to protect your items as much as possible, you should cover them to avoid them being harmed and reduce your risk that something could happen to them. Covering the boxes isn't as important, but covering things like furniture and electronics really should be done.
Learn More52 Maximum Insurance Protection

Having insurance on the items you put in a storage unit is very important, especially if you have anything that could easily become damaged and/or that is worth quite a bit of money. Sentimental value is important, too, but may not be seen the same way by an insurance company. To get the right level of protection, take pictures of everything you're putting into your storage space, and make a good inventory of it. Then talk to your insurance agent about how much coverage you need. Getting the maximum insurance protection you need is a good idea, but you don't want millions of dollars worth of coverage for thousands of dollars worth of things. Your insurance agent likely wouldn't agree to a policy of that size, but you wouldn't want it anyway. You'd be spending too much in premiums for the risk you were taking.
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