
Military Storage Infographic

Military Storage Infographic

Moving while in the military is not an option, it's a reality.

Military personnel will move constantly, not only when deployed overseas but also around the U.S. Military families often have to look for new schools, neighborhoods, churches and yes, self storage facilities. The majority of facilities will offer a special discount for the military that is in…

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Do People Love Self Storage?

Do People Love Self Storage?

What the heck is going on? Why do Americans need so much space when we apparently lived fine without it 30 years ago?

Well, we are acquiring more stuff "we need" every day and our living spaces are…

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Use it! Store it! or Donate it!

Use it! Store it! or Donate it!

"We make a LIVING by what we GET.....but we make a LIFE by what we GIVE." - Winston Churchill

Founded in 1959 by American friends of Winston Churchill fulfilled Sir Winston's wish of always having gifted American citizens…

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