Staging Your Home For A Move

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Staging Your Home For A Move

Anticipating a move can be beneficial and will alleviate a lot of last minute pressure. If you know you will be moving in a few months, taking the time to stage your home will work wonders in how the moving process proceeds.

What exactly is staging?

It’s when you are prepping your home in advance of what’s to come. Homes that are property staged make it easier and convenient for everyone. This differs from how a real estate stages a home for selling. You are essentially staging or planning your move well in advance, which will include a place for boxes to be stored, cleaning of rooms, fixing cracks and everything else that will have to be done prior to the move. This will make it a lot easier when it’s time to move, because everything will already be done and you can move and not look back.

What needs to take place?

Staging a home for a move is a lot like staging a home for a sale. Stat with the basics first:

  • Create a staging platform. This will be your war room of sorts. You will plan and decide how everything will be moved and stored.
  • Get your supplies together. This includes paint, moving boxes, and anything else you will need to get your home ready.
  • Get tips from self-storage facilities in your area to help you create orderly spaces. Knowing what will store well, even in your home is a plus when putting together a plan. Depending on when you will be moving, you may have to think about humidity and air circulation for items that will be stored in boxes for an extended period of time.
  • Look at magazines or videos to get a feel for tips on getting your home ready for the moving process.
  • Get quotes from moving companies to compare prices for when you will need the assistance of movers.
  • Getting advice from social media on staging and moving tips always helps too. Soliciting advice from those companies that specialize in storage and moving will be invaluable when packing.

Is it expensive?

Getting boxes and other supplies that will assist in getting your home ready will have some initial outlay. If you are okay with using recycled boxes, you can get them from your local grocery or department store, but make sure they are sturdy. As you are painting and staging the different rooms in your home, if you plan on painting and switching out lighting and other things, it could get expensive. The key is to make a budget and follow that when making your changes. Although you want to put your best foot forward, once you are out of the home, there will probably be changes anyway.

Taking the time to be proactive in the moving process will give you time to see what you want to keep, give away or donate. It will also give you time to assess whether you need new items in your new place. Remember this – planning makes perfect, each and every time!

Allaire Williams

About Allaire Williams

Allaire is a professional writer for the Self Storage Blog and specializes in SEO content marketing.