Get Your Mind Off Page Ranking

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Get Your Mind Off Page Ranking

Businesses that don’t understand SEO continuously put page rank at the top of their list. Although it’s nice to be at the top of Google’s SERPs, but with the continuous changes, you could be at the top today and on page 13 tomorrow. Frankly, Google just doesn’t care where your site ranks and if you’re focusing only on page ranking, you know nothing about real online marketing.

One of the most important things to incorporate into your online digital marketing strategy is not to become dependent on Google. If you’re sweating bullets because you drop a number on your page rank, then your site is not being organically successful and you’re doing it all wrong. By focusing on a few other things, you can get good results while not making Google your king.

Take these suggestions into account:


This is useful because people give you their information, which allows you to continue user engagement and interaction well beyond your website. Google does not control how your Facebook, Twitter or other social sites operate and if you’re getting customers through this process, you will be successful.

It’s more than a website

Your website is not the only outlet you have to market yourself. IF you’re into e-commerce, there are a number of outlets where the word can get out. Use these channels to expand and build on your brand.

Referrals are just as effective

To get rankings that have longevity, you need links that are built organically. Look at how you get them. Your campaigns should focus on building relationships and partnerships that will translate into referrals. This type of traffic cannot be bought and will positively affect your ranking without Google.


Do you have a list? It’s a form of micro-conversion but it’s very important. Once you have a strong listing in which to disseminate information, you have an audience to communicate with. Valuable content will get you noticed and keep your audience, with or without a Google ranking. There are other ways to achieve what you desire without focusing too much on a page rank.

It’s great to have a high page rank, but implementing other methods can get you the same results without you losing sleep. If you incorporate a variety of marketing methods, you’ll gain more traction because you put the real work in as opposed to focusing all your efforts on a page ranking. Google is determined to shake things up, so putting all your eggs in one basket will result in disaster. Google’s guaranteed that. Take the time to reassess and strategize on your local visibility and focus on creating a good site that works. You’ll be a lot happier and the results will all come together.

If you’re unsure on how to proceed, take a class or go to a business development workshop to improve on your marketing methods. It’s much more detailed than you think, and as recent history has shown, your overall efforts should be the goal.

Allaire Williams

About Allaire Williams

Allaire is a professional writer for the Self Storage Blog and specializes in SEO content marketing.