Don’t Pack Pesky Pests!

Don’t Pack Pesky Pests!

Don’t Pack Pesky Pests!

Little brothers or sisters are often considered PESTS by older siblings. You know you can’t get rid of him or her until you go off to college, enlist in the armed forces, or runaway to join the circus. Pests are difficult to eliminate. Though you couldn’t stop your mother from having a younger child or more, you can keep pests away from your beloved possessions while in self storage.

Fall is here and for some it feels rather chilly already and it’s time to make room for winter possessions. In putting away summer items, be sure that you’re only storing what you intend to—simply put, don’t store insects and other pests. The following outline of “To Do’s” may appear to be common sense to some, while they may be simple omissions to others.

Step 1

You should first make sure you’re not storing any multi-leg free-loaders or their eggs, before you transport your items to the self storage facility. Simply check your storage bins, boxes, crates—whatever you place your items in for insects, before placing anything in the containers.

Step 2

I know “Thou shalt not kill” is a commandment in the Bible, but I’m not sure if it applies to humans killing critters. Since the office is directly across the street from a nice big beautiful church, I think I’ll go ask the nice pastor if it’s OK to kill insects and vermin. I’m back—she said kill-at-will. Alright, I made that up, but please be sure to get rid of or relocate them, if you, for whatever reason can’t kill them.

Step 3

Before packing items to be stored, be sure to shake, sift, and comb through possessions, to make sure insects aren’t piggy-backing on items that are to be stored. Cleaning any necessary stored items is recommended—especially if it will help not to attract critters/insects.

Step 4

Don’t store perishable items such as food, sugar, candy, pet food, ketchup, juices, etc. To be safe, we recommend that you not store can foods for extended periods as well .Vermin have such extremely acute senses—particularly sense of smell. This step may very well be the most important; not attracting insects and rodents from the outset may eliminate future aggravation.

Step 5

After you have made sure that everything is critter-free and bug-proof, and then proceed to seal, wrap, and enclose containers and boxes thoroughly.

Final Step

Once you have chosen a storage facility, inquire with management about their exterminating efforts to fight and ward-off invaders. Ask do they have a contracted exterminator, the name of the company, and what is their schedule? As a consumer who values your belongings, it’s your right to inquire about the frequency and scheduling of the facility, to keep your things free of all pests.